Tilapia is a herbivorous fish which is grown all over the world. This combination of the physiological characteristics with multiple production methods and conditions means the feed assortiments are be adapted accordingly. Since we are present in many markets we have know how on producing the best feed for Tilapia farmers all over the world.
Research driven feed

Full feed assortment for every farm
Healthy growth in every pond, cage and aquaculture systems all require adapted feed assortments that take into account the water quality and other parameters which have direct effects on production performance. Natural feed from pond production, buffering capacity of cage culture and high energy/digestibility of continuously circultaing water of RAS systems are important factors that are worked into the formulation of the assortment.

Optimal growth in every stage
Our R&D teams study which nutrients support the development of Tilapia best under different circumstances. Different feeds, feeding schedules and mixings are tested and adviced. Our local Koudijs advisors are continuously informing us about the challenges faced by Tilapia producers and provide the essential knowledge to make sure the research knowledge is applied in an effective way fitting the market.

We have the answers to your questions
As the density of your production area increases so should the number of feeding points grow. Why? Movement triggers fish feeding behaviour. In a large production area with one feeding point many fish will be too late in reaching this feeding point. All the feed will be eaten by a small percentage of fish.
More feeding points means fish have equal opportunity to eat over entire production area. This improves growth homogeneity and your fish will all be of the right size at harvesting time.
Overfeeding leads to feed waste, which costs money and pollutes water. Polluted water leads to algal blooms, ammonia build up and low oxygen in the mornings. These are all bad for your fish!
Accurate feeding amounts can be achieved through regular sampling of fish weight and using this weight to calculate from feeding charts the correct amount of feed to be given daily. Also an experienced technician can see from the fish feeding behaviour if fish are hungry of not.
Keeping track of basic information of your farms production will improve your farm performance.
Regular sampling of your fish will allow you to keep track of the average fish size in your pond. With fish size you can calculate Weight Gain, Growth Rates, Average Daily Gain (ADG), Feed Conversion Ratios (FCR), etc. and evaluate progress and compare results.
Knowing the actual weight of your fish during the production cycle is important to calculate feeding rations, correct size of feed pellets and the number of times your fish need to be fed per day.
Keeping track of basic information of your farms production will improve your farm performance.
For example different water parameters can influence fish in many ways such as temperature on metabolic rates, dissolved oxygen on fish activity, pH on fish stress, algae on pH and dissolved oxygen, and ammonia on fish health. Daily checks of water parameters will help to determine the amount of feed required more accurately and let you know the condition of you fish.